Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Dance!

If you haven't noticed, my countdown has made it to zero.  Which means..... I'M SIXTEEN!!  I got to go to the Halloween dance and it was a lot of fun!   It was girls choice (which I hated and honestly don't think I'll ever do again) so I asked my friend Brad.  Our group was "Candy" so Leslie and I started making all these plans to dress up like ranchers and be really happy so we were "Jolly Ranchers"  or have us be Mike and our dates Ike.. (get it?  "Mike & Ikes" :D)  but we found out everyone in our group was just making a dumb t-shirt.  Lame.  So we decided to be Starbursts and made some pretty cute shirts.  Dinner was my favorite part.  It was delicious!  The whole date was about 12 hours and we were only at the dance for one..... didn't really make sense.  But it was fun!  I'm just glad there's not another for a while :)

Brad and Me
Leslie Dixon and Spencer
Les 'n' Spence
We were the only creative ones with our picture :)

Brad and Me once again.  We had to have the whole night in someone's unfinished basement so all of the odd shadows were from the wooden rafter ceiling.  

Oh, and I do have another driving story!  Except this time I wasn't actually driving.  You see, Driver's Ed has this ridiculous assignment where you must fill a car with gas, check the oil, and change a tire.  I mean, who has really changed a tire before?!?!?  So I was fulfilling the first challenge:  gas.  I drove to the new Chevron and Mom helped me with what buttons to push and everything and 'twas all going fine....
I put the pump in the car and clicked the trigger so it would fill without me holding it right?  Mom says to just pull it out when it gets to $20 so I was staring at the money thingy just waiting for it to hit 20.  I was so ready.  Finally, it got there so I did just what Mom told me to:  I pulled out the pump.  
As you may have guessed, I forgot to unclick the trigger thing.  Gas was pouring out everywhere!!!  It was like a hose on full blast!  I didn't know what to do or what was going on, somehow I thought it just stopped on its own.  So I was waving this gas hose around screaming and yelling and near tears as my mom got completely covered in gas.  It even burned her.  I finally heard her say to unclick it and we drove away as fast as we could.  Thank goodness there were no attractive boys at the scene... :)
Anyway I got my grade for Dr. Ed. and our car and clothes smelled like gasoline for a few days... At least I won't make that mistake again.... I hope!

Friday, October 1, 2010

dumb driving...

I don't think I will ever get my license.  I had my parallel parking test today.... It didn't go well.  Dad and I went out and practiced for an hour last night and I was actually doing a great job today!  The thing is, they grade the very last one you do before your rotation is up on the range and they don't tell you when that is.  So every time I came around and parked I did it perfectly!  I didn't hit any cones, I was close to the curb, and I was exactly parallel.  I was praying he would grade one of those... but no.  He had to grade the one where instead of turning on my blinker I turned on the windshield wipers and then i was all crooked and was going to pull up to straighten myself out but forgot I was in reverse so I backed up right into all the cones.  Hitting a cone=instant fail.  Dumb dumb dumb.  At least I can still pass my driving test if I don't miss more than fifteen points.... fingers crossed everyone.