Friday, October 21, 2011


Advice to all current or future high school students:

The best way to enjoy those awful three years... is to join Madrigals!!  There is nothing better!  You get to spend your days with people who don't care if you sing all day long, you get to go on many wonderfully fun retreats, and you have 35 automatic best friends.  
Best. Decision. Ever.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


     So if you haven't noticed.. it has been a long time since my last post.  In fact, I didn't post at all the entire summer!  You would think that nothing exciting or interesting happened to me this summer, but in reality, everyone that reads my blog lived in my house for that time.  So what was the point of blogging?  Now that the Pages have moved out, I guess I'll blog again.  
     Actually, I still feel like there is no point in blogging.  Everyone knows what is going on in my life.  And no one reads it anyway.
     Well, maybe I will just blog for the fun of it.  I can't decide.  I'll just give a quick update.  I am now a junior in high school and LOVING it!  I have a job selling corn on the side of the road and I actually love working.  It it great to have something to do and to earn my own money.  At school I am in Madrigals and A Capella choir, also loving it.  I have a hard schedule this year :  AP BC Calculus, AP US History, Medical Anatomy, and more.  I love it.  I have awesome teachers and I'm learning a lot already!  I also have the BEST teachers in seminary.  This is probably the best part of my year so far.  I usually don't have the best luck in this area.  My last class never stopped talking during the lesson and would just get up and leave whenever they wanted.  It got to a point that the teacher would just give me the lesson at the end of the day knowing I would appreciate it.  But these teachers are so good about letting everyone talk and have fun while also learning something or having a spiritual experience everyday!  It is awesome!  I am also auditioning for the school musical on Wednesday, I'm applying to be a HOSA officer, and I volunteer at Alta View Hospital.  Oh ya, and I'm STILL doing piano and voice lessons.  Apparently my life is "out of control" so Mom and Dad and I are sitting down today to talk about that... we'll see how that goes... :)  But I like being involved in lots of things.  I think my issue is just prioritizing to make sure everything gets done.  If my dear sweet parents tell me I can't do it all and have to drop something.... sadly, it will be piano.  :)  But think of how good I will look on a college resume!  I've made it to Nationals for Future Business Leaders of America, I'm a Health Occupation Students of America officer, I'm in Madrigals, A Capella, and the school musical, I take challenging college level classes and retain a 3.9 GPA, AND I volunteer at Alta View Hospital.  That's GOT to be worth it...... right?
     Oh, ya also, Homecoming is coming up.  Sadly, I don't think I'll get asked.   All my friends have been asked.  Leslie was even asked twice within 10 minutes.  Sad.  Oh well.  I'll just eat some ice cream and.. I dunno... watch the BYU vs U of U game.  Fun.  
     Anyway, there's my update.  Peace out girl scout.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

dream wardrobe

I have a certain style that I love... I don't have any clothes in that style because every time I find something I like it is a million bucks!  or fifty.  but still, that is tooo much!  And so, I have put together a "Cassidy's Style Guide".  If any of you see anything similar to this at a cheaper cost or find a way to make one of these beautiful items please let me know!  Or if it happens to be my birthday or you just feel like buying me something this should help you :)  (all these pictures are from

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I live a very boring life.  I have really been wanting to blog about something... but I have nothing to blog about! :)  Nothing has happened since my last post.  All I do is go to school, do homework, practice piano and voice, eat, and sleep.  Over... and over... and over.  I want to do something fun and exciting!  I think I'll start asking my mom if I can cook dinner from now on.  That way I'll have something to do and I won't starve when I move out in two years... Anyway there is a very boring post for you from a very boring girl :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Good News!

These past couple of weeks have been full of glad tidings of great joy!  

First I got a superior (the highest rating) at my piano competition including a trophy and fifty bucks.  

Then, I got a 4.0 for 3rd quarter when I thought for sure I wouldn't.  

Next I went to State competitions for FBLA.  My team did awful on our event so we were planning on tenth place.  When we weren't called for tenth we were happy to get ninth.  But then they didn't call us for ninth!  Or eighth, or seventh or sixth... by now we were sure we would get fifth.  But no!!  We didn't get fifth, and we didn't get fourth, or third!  We got 2nd place at state as a team of sophomores and now we get to go to Nationals in Disney World!  It is a costly trip though so I would be happy to babysit children, clean houses, and perform any other tasks to help fund the trip :)

Lastly, I auditioned for A cappella Choir (a.k.a Concert Choir) at my school and made it!  Wahoo!  I am going to try out for Madrigals for experience but I'm not planning on it.  I am satisfied with A cappella and I'm looking forward to next year!!

I feel so blessed to have such a great life!  I just hope a lot of bad news doesn't follow my good streak!    

Monday, March 14, 2011


Dear Everyone,
      One day I was playing around with my blog when I discovered templates.  I found one I really liked and added it to my blog.  Then I decided I wanted my old background again.  So I reverted to the old minima template.... then I couldn't figure out how to put my background back in!  So I upgraded my template... now its really a mess!  I added the html for the background and it is partly showing up as well as the template.... anyone know how my blog can be saved?  I would love to post some pictures from prom but my blog makes me sad.  help!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

guess who's going to prom?!

Katelin!  Just kidding.  It's me.  :)  I've got a date!  Now I just need a dress.... :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Must Run In The Family...

Anxiety.  Everyone in our family has it.  For Courtney it's messes, for Kelsey it was the dentist and fires.  For Collette it's earrings and teeth, and for me.... it's driving.  I am absolutely terrified of driving.  I hate it!  On Wednesday I had to drive all the way to my piano lesson all by myself in a real car on real roads!  I almost died.  the night before I thought I was going to throw up because I was so filled with anxiety.  All day I kept drawing out a map so I could find the fewest lane changes possible.  But, Ladies and Gentlemen, I did it!!!  I drove all the way there and did fabulous.  Jeanne (my teacher)  was more scared than I was.  She called me 5 times during the fifteen minute drive to check on me.  (of course I didn't answer while I was driving).  I wish I could post the message she left me :).  Anyway she had a cookie waiting for me and I deserved it!!  Now if only I could do roundabouts... then I could really feel okay driving alone!

Here are some of my encouraging sticky notes I had to post all over my house Tuesday night.

 On another note, last night we had a very fun and successful sister sleepover!  Besides the fact that Collette and Danny were deathly ill and the rest of us coughing, we had a really good time.  Our theme was "good for the heart" so we did lots of things that would make our hearts happy.  We started by eating a yummy dinner of spaghetti and breadsticks then headed to Danny's basketball game which they WON!  Then we made a heart warming craft for each sister.  Then we started Despicable Me.. but of course we all fell asleep.  When we woke up the older girls went to Zumba while the youngins slept in.  Then we made the cutest yummy breakfast ever, made a heartfelt craft for mom and headed home.  And guess what?!?  It's not over!  If Danny feels better in the morning those two are coming to our house and we will make a yummy dinner for mom and dad.  I think it was a great weekend!!  Definitely better than going to Sweethearts... right?...