Friday, October 1, 2010

dumb driving...

I don't think I will ever get my license.  I had my parallel parking test today.... It didn't go well.  Dad and I went out and practiced for an hour last night and I was actually doing a great job today!  The thing is, they grade the very last one you do before your rotation is up on the range and they don't tell you when that is.  So every time I came around and parked I did it perfectly!  I didn't hit any cones, I was close to the curb, and I was exactly parallel.  I was praying he would grade one of those... but no.  He had to grade the one where instead of turning on my blinker I turned on the windshield wipers and then i was all crooked and was going to pull up to straighten myself out but forgot I was in reverse so I backed up right into all the cones.  Hitting a cone=instant fail.  Dumb dumb dumb.  At least I can still pass my driving test if I don't miss more than fifteen points.... fingers crossed everyone.


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! I love it. You'll pass. Somehow I managed.

  2. that just made me giggle to myself. i think i hit a cone too. better a cone than a human, or another car. i think you should only get an instant fail if you hit a human. have you had the teacher that looks like lenny the shark from shark tale yet? I'd never met him before, and I couldn't help myself from telling him that he looked like him. bad first impression.

  3. That just made me giggle out loud. I can feel your panic just from reading that. If it makes you feel any better, I missed 3 out of 5 points on my parallel parking, still got my license, and literally have never parallel parked since my driving test.

  4. You are all making me laugh out very loud! You will pass and only parallel park another 5 times in your life. Please keep us posted on your progress. Love it!
